8 positions (Officer Roles) on the Union Executive will be contested by 11 candidates and 3 referenda will be brought to the student body on March 25th/26th 2025.
A ballot leaflet / online form will contain all 11 items to vote.
Hustings and debate will take place at 5:15pm on Wednesday, March 19th 2025 in The Chapel.
Voting will be open in-person and online during the following periods:
10:00-18:00 on Tuesday, March 25th 2025,
10:00-18:00 on Wednesday, March 26th 2025
The Returning Officer for these elections is Alishaer Ahmed. All election questions should be addressed to alishaer.ahmed@dcu.ie.
11 candidates are contesting 8 positions on the Union Executive for the 25/26 term, starting July 1st for 12 months.
All manifestos of candidates can be downloaded as a .ZIP file here or viewed below.
Candidates for President:
▼ Lavender Jane Gartlan (manifesto)
Candidates for VP for Welfare & Equality:
▼ Chloe Danga (manifesto)
▼ Jody Abernethy (manifesto)
Candidates for VP for Education:
▼ Maria Balan (manifesto)
▼ Perrin Fowler (manifesto)
Candidate for Entertainments Officer:
▼ Percy Yates (manifesto)
Candidate for Clubs & Societies Officer:
▼ Simone James (manifesto)
Candidates for LGBTQ Rights Officer:
▼ Ethan Taylor (manifesto)
▼ Leaf Tottenham (manifesto)
Candidate for Mature Students’ Officer:
▼ Nina Eliane Mullen (manifesto)
Candidate for Disability Rights Officer:
▼ Lance Valour Kearney (manifesto)
No candidates have been nominated for Oifigeach na Gaeilge, so this position will remain unfilled.
The following will be brought to referendum to wholly replace the existing Constitution and all articles and schedules therein.
The existing, active constitution can be viewed here.
The following will be brought to referendum to review IADTSU’s affiliation with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI/AMLÉ).
▼ Union of Students in Ireland
IADTSU is currently affiliated with USI/AMLÉ, with the currently active constitutional article reviewable here.
The following will be brought to referendum to introduce a fourth paid, full-time sabbatical officer to IADTSU.
▼ VP for Diversity and Inclusion
Additionally, approval of this referendum will amend the existing article for VP for Welfare and Equality.