
8 positions (Officer Roles) on the Union Executive will be contested by 11 candidates and 3 referenda will be brought to the student body on March 25th/26th 2025.

A ballot leaflet / online form will contain all 11 items to vote.

Hustings and debate will take place at 5:15pm on Wednesday, March 19th 2025 in The Chapel.

Voting will be open in-person and online during the following periods:

10:00-18:00 on Tuesday, March 25th 2025, 

10:00-18:00 on Wednesday, March 26th 2025

The Returning Officer for these elections is Alishaer Ahmed. All election questions should be addressed to alishaer.ahmed@dcu.ie.

  • 11 candidates are contesting 8 positions on the Union Executive for the 25/26 term, starting July 1st for 12 months.

    All manifestos of candidates can be downloaded as a .ZIP file here or viewed below.

    Candidates for President:

    Lavender Jane Gartlan (manifesto)

    Candidates for VP for Welfare & Equality:

    Chloe Danga (manifesto)

    Jody Abernethy (manifesto)

    Candidates for VP for Education:

    Maria Balan (manifesto)

    Perrin Fowler (manifesto)

    Candidate for Entertainments Officer:

    Percy Yates (manifesto)

    Candidate for Clubs & Societies Officer:

    Simone James (manifesto)

    Candidates for LGBTQ Rights Officer:

    Ethan Taylor (manifesto)

    Leaf Tottenham (manifesto)

    Candidate for Mature Students’ Officer:

    Nina Eliane Mullen (manifesto)

    Candidate for Disability Rights Officer:

    Lance Valour Kearney (manifesto)

    No candidates have been nominated for Oifigeach na Gaeilge, so this position will remain unfilled.

  • The following will be brought to referendum to wholly replace the existing Constitution and all articles and schedules therein.

    IADTSU Constitution

    The existing, active constitution can be viewed here.

  • The following will be brought to referendum to review IADTSU’s affiliation with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI/AMLÉ).

    Union of Students in Ireland

    IADTSU is currently affiliated with USI/AMLÉ, with the currently active constitutional article reviewable here.

  • The following will be brought to referendum to introduce a fourth paid, full-time sabbatical officer to IADTSU.

    VP for Diversity and Inclusion

    Additionally, approval of this referendum will amend the existing article for VP for Welfare and Equality.

    VP for Welfare