Who is IADTSU?

Who is IADTSU? You are.

As a full or part-time student of the Institute of Art, Design, and Technology, you are automatically a member of IADT Students’ Union.

IADTSU is Your Union, a democratic body that exists to represent your interests, largely through the work of your Students’ Union Officers & Class Reps.

Your SU Officers include 3 Sabbatical (or full time) Officers and 2* Part Time (currently studying) Officers, each of whom are students elected by students, for 1 academic year, to represent a particular area of focus as laid out in the IADTSU Constitution.

IADTSU’s Officers are overseen by Comhairle (or Class Rep Council), a body of elected Representatives from every course which meets once per month to hold officers accountable, vote on policy and mandates, and shape the work of IADTSU more generally.

You can get in touch with our team via Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iadtsu or send general queries to president@iadtsu.com.

What does IADTSU do?

Well, a lot.

Among many, many things, Officers of the Students’ Union:

  • Represent the interests and further the rights of its membership (IADT students) as a whole and individually

    • IADTSU has student reps on almost all of IADT’s teaching and learning committees

    • All 3 of IADTSU’s Sabbatical Officers have a seat on IADT’s Governing Body

    • An IADTSU Officer can represent individuals in disciplinary of appeals procedures with the Institute

  • Offer advice on Welfare, Finances and Education

  • Organise Awareness Campaigns

  • Organise Educational Talks & Workshops

    • Have an idea for a topic or speaker/group you’d like us to bring in? Contact president@iadtsu.com.

  • Host Charity, Entertainment, and Social Events

  • Manages The Chapel, the student recreational common area, found in The Chapel

  • Facilitates the administration of Clubs & Socs with the Clubs & Societies Oversight Committee (CSOC)

  • Runs IADTSU’s Social Media Presence (and this website)

Want to learn more about the student officers doing this work on your behalf? Click here.

Curious how officers are held to account and managed by Class Representatives?

Learn about Comhairle (Class Rep Council) here.

IADT Students’ Union Officers


My name is Lavender-Jane Gartlan and I will be your Students’ Union President. I am a recent graduate of the BA (Hons) Design for Stage and Screen, now called Design for Film. I am so excited for this role as advocating for Students is something I am deeply passionate about.

Email: president@iadtsu.com

WhatsApp: 083 017 7580

Instagram: iadtsu_president


I’m Simone, your new Welfare & Equality Officer. I’m here to make sure you are looked after, so pop by the office or shoot me a message if anything comes up and I’ll get to it as soon as I can. I’m looking forward to working to make this campus better for everyone.

Email: welfare@iadtsu.com

WhatsApp: 083 017 7025

Instagram: @iadtsu_welfare


My name is Diana Maria Moldovean and I will be your Students Union Vice President for Education. I have recently graduated from the BA (Hons) Arts Management course in IADT. I am looking forward to being part of this union and supporting you with any academic challenges you might face throughout the year.

Email: education@iadtsu.com

WhatsApp: 083 017 6994

Instagram: iadtsu_education

Part time officers

Contact our Part Time Officers:

Clubs/Socs*: clubsocs@iadtsu.com

Ents*: ents@iadtsu.com

LGBT+: lgbtq@iadtsu.com

Gaeilge: gaeilge@iadtsu.com

*There is currently nobody elected to this position so the email will be monitored by the sabbatical officers.