Clubs & Societies

Clubs & Societies are student-led groups focused on a specific activity or topic, provided funding through the Students’ Union.

While you may be able to sign up at a Freshers Fair or Mixer, you can join a Club or Society at any time during the year, usually by DMing their page on Instagram or joining their groupchat.

See the list of clubs and societies or learn about how to set one up.

Clubs & Socs funding allocation and recognition is managed by the Clubs & Societies Oversight Committee (CSOC), which is made up of 3 Union Officers and 3 Class Reps, voted in at the first Comhairle of the academic year.

For help with starting one or have any queries about Clubs or Societies, contact the Clubs & Socs Officer at

Active Clubs & Societies

The full list of active Clubs & Societies for the 2024/25 academic year will be released once applications have been processed.

For reference, the 2023/24 masterlist of active Clubs & Societies and how to join them can be viewed here.

Historic Clubs & Societies

A far-from-expansive list of some of the Clubs & Societies that have existed in IADT over the past few years.

Looking to get involved on campus? Consider starting back up one of these!